
Here you find a list of publications in the context of EIPCM's research

Book contributions

  • Novak, J., Becker, M., Grey, F., Mondardini, R., Citizen engagement and collective intelligence for participatory Digital Social Innovation, in Bonn, A., Haklay, M., Hecker, Bowser, A., Makuch, Z., Vogel, J. (eds), Citizen Science – Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy, UCL Press, October 2018
  • Castelletti, A., Cominola, A., Facchini, A., Giuliani, M., Fraternali, P., Herrera, S., Melenhorst, M., Micheel, I., Novak, J., Pasini, C., Rizzoli, A.E., Rottondi, C. Gamified approaches for Water Management Systems: an Overview. In Water Smart Grids – A Cyber- Physical Approach, CRC Press, 2017
  • Novak, J.: Collective Action in Human Computation, in Michellucci, P. (Ed.), “Handbook on Human Computation”, Springer, 2013
  • Guerrero, C., Novak, J. et al. (contributors): User-generated content Creation, in European Commission (Ed.), User-Centric Media: Future and Challenges in European Research, Whitebook, EU-IST Expert Group on User-Centric Media, Coordinated by the DG Information Society, Networked Media Unit, October 2007, ISBN 978-92-79-06865-2
  • Achilleopoulos, N., Novak, J. et al. (contributors): Personalised Access to Media Systems, in European Commission (Ed.), User-Centric Media: Future and Challenges in European Research, Whitebook, EU-IST Expert Group on User-Centric Media, Coordinated by the DG Information Society, Networked Media Unit, October 2007, ISBN 978-92-79-06865-2

Peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals

  • Koroleva, K., Novak, J., How to Engage with Sustainability Issues We Rarely Experience? A Gamification Model for Collective Awareness Platforms in Water-Related Sustainability, Sustainability 12 (2), 712, 2020
  • Koroleva, K., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Gonzalez, S.L.H., Fraternali, P., Rizzoli, A.E., Designing an integrated socio-technical behaviour change system for energy saving. Energy Inform 2, 30 (2019),  enCOMPASS project…
  • Fraternali, P., Cellina, F., Gonzales, S.L.H, Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Pasini, C., Rottondi, C., Rizzoli, A.E., Visualizing and gamifying consumption data for resource saving: challenges, lessons learnt and a research agenda for the future, Energy Inform 2, 22 (2019),  enCOMPASS project…
  • Becker, M., Novak, J., Drenska, K., Fernadez, T.: Developing a Collective Awareness Platform for Urban Sustainability Challenges: Case Study of the POWER Project, European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8(4), 214. POWER project…
  • Novak, J., Melenhorst M., Micheel, I., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Rizzoli, A.E., Integrating behavioural change and gamified incentive modelling for stimulating water saving, Environmental Modelling and Software, Vol. 102, Apr 2018, pp. 120-137, ISSN 1364-8152SmartH2O project…
  • Albertarelli, S. Fraternali, P., Herrera, S., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Pasini, C., Rizzoli, A.E., Rottondi, C. A Survey on the Design of Gamified Systems for Energy and Water Sustainability, Games, 2018, 9(3), 38 enCOMPASS project…
  • Rizzoli, A.E., Castelletti, A., Fraternali, P., Novak, J., Demo Abstract: SmartH2O, demonstrating the impact of gamification technologies for saving water, Computer Science Research and Development (2018) 33: 275, SpringerSmartH2O project…
  • Dini, L., Galanski, C., Döpfmer, S., Gehrke-Beck, S., Bayer, G., Boeckle, M., Micheel, I., Novak, J., Heintze, C., Online Platform as a Tool to Support Postgraduate Training in General Practice – A Case Report. GMS Journal for Medical Education, 34(5), Doc59, November 2017
  • Bayer, G., Galanski, C., Dini, L., Micheel, I., Novak, J., Heintze, C., Nutzerverhalten auf der hausärztlichen Online-Weiterbildungsplattform „KOLEGEA“, ZFA – Zeitschrift für Allgemeinmedizin, 93 (4), April 2017
  • Semertzidis, T.,Novak, J., Lazaridis, M., Melenhorst, M., Micheel, I., Michalopoulos, D., Böckle, M., Strintzis, M. G., Daras, P., A Crowd-powered System for Fashion Similarity Search, ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 7, 4, Article 46, April 2016, DOI: CUbRIK project… TrendRack…
  • Novak, J., Schröder, S., Böckle, M., Verheyen, P., Ziebarth, S., Hoppe, U., Kötteritzsch, A., Ziegler, J., Heintze, C.: Entwicklung mobiler Anwendungen für nutzergeneriertes Wissen in der ärztlichen Weiterbildung, iCom – Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag GmbH, München, 2013: 10-22KOLEGEA project…
  • Novak, J., Schwabe, G.: Designing for reintermediation in the brick-and-mortar world: Towards the travel agency of the future, Electronic Markets Journal, Issue 1/2013, Springer, March, 2009

Peer-reviewed articles in proceedings of scientific conferences (selection)

  • Novak, J.,Melenhorst, M., Micheel, I., Fraternali, P., Pasini, C., Herrera, S., Hidasi, B., Stimulating energy-saving behaviour through eco-feedback, adaptive gamification and personalized recommendations, Proceedings of BEHAVE 2018 – 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Zurich, Sept 2018 (to appear)enCOMPASS project…
  • Melenhorst, M., Koroleva, K., Novak, J. Metaphorical Visualizations of Energy Saving Impact for Behavioural Change: A Goal-Framing Approach and Results from an Online Crowd Evaluation, Proceedings of BEHAVE 2018 – 5th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, Zurich, Sept 2018 (to appear)enCOMPASS project…
  • Böckle, M., Micheel, I.,, Bick, M., Novak, J., A Design Framework for Adaptive Gamification Applications, Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018 (HICSS), Hawaii, USA, January 2018
  • Fraternali, P, Herrera, S., Novak, J., Melenhorst, M., Tzovaras, D., Kinidis, S., Rizzoli, A.E.,  Celina, F., enCOMPASS – an Integrative Approach to Behavioural Change for Energy Saving, Proc. of Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS) 2017, CICG, Geneva, June 2017.enCOMPASS project…
  • Böckle, M., Novak, J., Bick, M., Towards Adaptive Gamification: A Synthesis of Current Developments, Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal, June 5-10, 2017
  • Novak, J., Melenhorst, M., Micheel, I., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Rizzoli, A.E., Behaviour change and incentive modelling for water saving: first experiences from the SmartH2O project, In Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software – iEMSs 2016, Toulouse, France, July 2016, Available at: project…
  • Lazaridou, P., Ntalla, A., Novak, J. Behavioural role analysis for multi-faceted communication campaigns in Twitter. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science (WebSci ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 344-345. DOI: project…
  • Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Larson, M., Boeckle, M., Bridging the Utilitarian-Hedonic Divide in Crowdsourcing Applications, Proc. of CrowdMM ’15 – Fourth International Workshop on Crowdsourcing for Multimedia at ACM Multimedia 2015, ACM MM Workshop Proceedings, ACM Press, Brisbane, Australia, 10/2015 CUbRIK project… TrendRack…
  • Micheel, I., Novak, J., Fraternali, P., Baroffio, G., Castelletti, A., Rizzoli, A.E., Visualizing & Gamifying Water & Energy Consumption for Behavior Change, Proc. of Workshop on Fostering Smart Energy Applications (FSEA) 2015 at Interact 2015, Bamberg, Germany; 09/2015 SmartH2O project…
  • Fraternali, P., Baroffio, G., Galli, L., Micheel, I., Novak, J., , Rizzoli, A.E., Integrating real and digital games with data analytics for water consumption behavioral change: a demo, Proc. of IEEE Utility and Cloud Computing 2015 (UCC 2015), Limassol, Cyprus; 12/2015SmartH2O project…
  • Rizzoli, A.E., Castelletti, A., Cominola, A., Fraternali, P., Diniz dos Santos, A., Storni, B., Wissmann-Alves, R., Bertocchi, M., Novak, J.,  Micheel, I. , 2014. The SmartH2O project and the role of social computing in promoting efficient residential water use: a first analysis. In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2 SmartH2O project…
  • Harou, J.J., Garrone, P.,  Rizzoli, A R. E., Maziotis, A., Castelletti, A., Fraternali, P., Novak, J., Wissmann-Alves, R. , Ceschi, P.A., 2014. Smart metering, water pricing and social media to stimulate residential water efficiency: opportunities for the SmartH2O project. In: Proceedings of 16th Conference on Water Distribution System Analysis, WDSA 2014, July, Bari, Italy SmartH2O project…
  • Lars Wieneke, Marten During, Vincenzo Croce and Jasminko Novak: histoGraph as a Demonstrator for Domain Specific Challenges to crowdsourcing, In: Proceedings of SoHuman 2014 – 3rd International Workshop on Social Media for Crowdsourcing and Human Computation at SocInfo 2014, Barcelona, Spain, 2014. histoGraph…
  • Jasminko Novak, Lars Wieneke, Marten Düring, Isabel Micheel, Mark Melenhorst, Javier Garcia Morón, Chiara Pasini, Marco Tagliasacchi, Piero Fraternali: histoGraph – A Visualization Tool for Collaborative Analysis of Historical Social Networks from Multimedia Collections, In: Proceedings of 18th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 Conference Location: Paris, France, 2014.histoGraph…
  • Svenja Schröder, Jasminko Novak: MediMatrix: An Interface for Visualizing Learner-Generated Patient Case Collections in Postgraduate Medical Training, In: Proceedings of 18th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 2014 Conference Location: Paris, FranceKOLEGEA project…
  • Wieneke, L., Sillaume, G, Düring, M., Pasini, C., Fraternali, P., Tagliasacchi, M., Melenhorst, M., Novak, J., Micheel, I., Harloff, E., Garcia Moron, J., Lallemand, C., Vincenzo, C., Lazzaro, M., Nucci, F.: Building the social graph of the History of European Integration: A pipeline for the Integration of Human and Machine Computation, Short Paper, DH 2014 – International Conference on Digital Humanities, Lausanne, July 2014histoGraph…
  • M. Dionisio, P. Fraternali, E. Harloff, D. Martinenghi, I. Micheel, J. Novak, C. Pasini, M. Tagliasacchi, S. Zagorac: Building social graphs from images through expert-based crowdsourcing, in J. Novak, P. Fraternali, P. Daras, O. Chrons, A. Jaimes, M. Klein (eds.), Proceedings of SoHuman 2013 – 2nd International Workshop on Social Media and Human Computation at ACM WebScience 2013, Paris. BCS Learning and Development Ltd., 2013: 29-34. Available at…
  • Martin Böckle, Svenja Schröder and Jasminko Novak: Collaborative Visual Annotations For Knowledge Exchange in Practical Medical Training, in Proc. of ECTEL meets ECSCW 2013: Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning at ECSCW 2013, Paphos, Cyprus, Sept. 2013KOLEGEA project…
  • Lars Wieneke, Ghislain Sillaume, Carine Lallemand, Jasminko Novak, Isabel Micheel, Javier Garcia Morón, Marilena Lazzaro, Vincenzo Croce: Combining human and machine computation for the digital humanities, Demonstration hosted in the Poster Session of the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing IEEE MMSP 2013, 30 September – 2 October 2013, Pula, ItalyhistoGraph…
  • Enrico Wieck, Jasminko Novak: Towards a User-centered Ubiquitous Customer Feedback Elicitation Framework. Proc. of ICEIS 2012 – the 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (3) 2012: 269-272
  • Jasminko Novak, Jürgen Ziegler, Ulrich Hoppe, Andreas Hulzinger, Christoph Heintze, Martin Böckle: Mobile Anwendungen für Medizin und Gesundheit. Proc. of Mensch & Computer., Workshopband 2012: 227-230KOLEGEA project…
  • Jasminko Novak, Martin Böckle, Sabrina Ziebarth: Entwicklung mobiler Anwendungen für situatives Wissen in der Medizin. Proc. of Mensch & Computer, Workshopband 2012: 247-260KOLEGEA project…
  • Luca Galli, Piero Fraternali, Davide Martinenghi, Marco Tagliasacchi, Jasminko Novak: A Draw-and-Guess Game to Segment Images. SocialCom/PASSAT 2012: 914-917CUbRIK project…
  • Piero Fraternali, Marco Tagliasacchi, Davide Martinenghi, Alessandro Bozzon, Ilio Catallo, Eleonora Ciceri, Francesco Saverio Nucci, Vincenzo Croce, Ismail Sengör Altingövde, Wulf Siberski, Fausto Giunchiglia, Wolfgang Nejdl, Martha Larson, Ebroul Izquierdo, Petros Daras, Otto Chrons, Ralph Traphöner, Björn Decker, John Lomas, Patrick Aichroth, Jasminko Novak, Ghislain Sillaume, Fernando Sánchez-Figueroa, Carulina Salas-Parra: The CUBRIK project: human-enhanced time-aware multimedia search. WWW (Companion Vulume) 2012: 259-262CUbRIK project…
  • Novak, J., Preuße, S.: Designing Visual Systems for Social Data Analysis in Open Government Applications, In: Proc. Work-shop “Data-centric Interactions on the Web” at INTERACT 2011, Intl. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, Lissabon, WS-CEUR, Vul. 817, December 2011Open City Cockpit…
  • Novak, J., Schmidt, S.: When Joy Matters: The Importance of Hedonic Stimulation in Collocated Collaboration with Large-Displays, Proc. INTERACT 2009, 12th IFIP Conference on Human-Computer interaction, August 2009
  • Novak, J.: Mine, Yours…Ours? Designing for Principal-Agent Collaboration in Interactive Value Creation, Proc. of Wirtschaftsinformatik 2009, Vienna, February 2009
  • Novak, J., Schmidt, S., Aggeler, M., Schwabe, G.: Kooperative Medienumgebungen für das Reisebüro der Zukunft, Proc. der Mensch & Computer 2008, Lübeck, Sept. 2008
  • Novak, J., Aggeler, M., Schwabe, G.: Designing Large-Display Workspaces for Cooperative Travel Consultancy, Proc. of ACM CHI 2008, International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts and Applications (Work-in-Progress, 6pp.), April 5-10, Florence, 2008, ACM Press
  • Aschoff, R., Novak, J.: The Mobile Campfire: A New User Paradigm for Mobile Social Web Scenarios, Proc. of IEEE Human-System Interaction Conference, Krakow, May, 2008, IEEE Press / IEEE Digital Library
  • Aschoff, M., Novak, J.: The Mobile Forum: Real-Time Information Exchange in Mobile SMS Communities, Proc. of ACM CHI 2008, Intl. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts and Applications, 2008
  • Schwabe, G., Novak, J., Aggeler, M.: Designing the Tourist Agency of the Future, 21st Bled eConference on eCollaboration: Overcoming Boundaries through Multi-Channel Interaction, Bled, June 2008
  • Novak, J.; Challenges and Opportunities for Visual Exploratory Search in User-generated Media Content Collections, ACM CHI 2007, Workshop on Explorative Search Interfaces, Workshop Proc. published in ACM Digital Library, May 2007

Other contributions in books, professional journals and conference proceedings

  • Novak, J., Hosenen, A.: Social Media als Katalysator für Innovation, Swiss IT Magazine, Sonderheft Social Media, Mai 2011
  • Novak, J.: User-Centric Media and Next-Generation Media Ecosystems, Proc. of NMI 2007, Tagung Neue Medien der Informationsgesellschaft, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Alcatel Stiftungs-Verbundkolleg Berlin, June 27-29, 2007
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